We guarantee to keep your website and other hosted services accessible for 99% or more of the time. The other 1% (or less) is usually for scheduled server maintenance and we will notify you at least 72 hours before that’s due.
However, if your uptime falls below 80% in any given month, we will give you a full refund of your hosting charges for that month. Please see our Terms and conditions for additional details.
Should you decide to cancel your hosting account within 30 days of ordering it, you will receive a FULL refund. This policy applies to all hosting plans, excluding Office 365 plans1. (30 day money back guarantee only applicable within reason. Simply changing your mind is not a valid reason.)
If you run into issues, or even have a general question to ask or need advice, we're here to help every step of the way!
1 Office 365 plans have a 14 day money back guarantee
Should you decide to cancel your Office 365 account within 14 days of ordering it, you will receive a FULL refund. Our 14 day money back guarantee is only applicable within reason. Simply changing your mind is not a valid reason.
Let's talk about your needs and how we can work together.